Compiled and Edited by:
Nancy B. Simmons and Andrea L. Cirranello
American Museum of Natural History

Your search for Rhinolophus acrotis resulted in 1 species-level match:

Rhinolophus Lacepede, 1799. Tabl. Div. Subd. Orders Genres Mammiferes p. 15.

Vespertilio ferrum-equinum Schreber, 1774. Conserved in ICZN Opinion 91 (1926) and Direction 24 (1955)

Rhinolophus acrotis von Heuglin, 1861.
Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 29, 8: p. 4, 10.
Eritrean Horseshoe Bat


acrotis Heuglin, 1861:

 andersoni Thomas, 1904.


augur K. Andersen, 1904:

 keniensis Hollister, 1916;

 zambesiensis K. Andersen, 1904;

 zuluensis K. Andersen, 1904.

Eritrea, Keren

Chad, Sudan, and Eritrea south to South Africa

CITES - Not Listed IUCN - Least Concern (2017).

ferrumequinum species group. Previously considered a subspecies of clivosus, but apparently distinct; see Uvizl et al. (2024). We follow Uvizl et al. (2024) in recognizing just two subspecies at present, pending further study.


Uvizl, M., Z.K. VaradĂ­nová, and P. Benda.  2024. Phylogenetic relationships among horseshoe bats within the Rhinolophus ferrumequinum group (Mammalia, Chiroptera). Zoologica Scripta 53(3): 249-266. Read article.

von Heuglin, T. 1861. Beitrage zur Fauna der Saugethiere N.O.-Afrika's. I. Chiroptera.. Nova Acta Academiae Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 29(8): 1-24. Read article.